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3 Great Leadership Qualities Required to Develop a Positive Work Experience

Anyone can develop feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, and boredom regardless of how exciting their work or work atmosphere is. While there are numerous strategies and activities that the individual should be doing to cope with those types of emotions and experiences, the burden actually falls on leadership personnel to lead, motivate, and solve issues. This is, in essence, why we use the term leader rather than boss. There is a built-in expectation that a person within this elevated position will lead their subordinate when the subordinate cannot mount the task themselves.

Be a master of communication.

The first step to finding a solution to any problem is to collect as much information as possible and transfer it from source to source without changing the data in a way it can be misinterpreted. This principle remains true regardless of whether you are trying to solve world hunger, or simply trying to decide what you would like to eat that day for lunch. There are multiple approaches to developing communication skills:

  • Use the appropriate mediums (i.e. not using email for long, complex discussions)

  • Be mindful of your body language (facial expressions are often the most common)

  • Have the recipient summarize what you said, after you say it

  • Be brief and to the point when necessary

Do not insulate yourself from learning.

Show me the perfect leader and I will show you the world's greatest actor. A perfect leader simply does not exist. By the very nature of the title, a leader is expected to be a constant student of his or her craft. Learning can happen internally, wherein a staff member may know more about a certain aspect than you do. A leader must have the ability to receive feedback and coaching to use this person within your team to better themselves and the entirety of the team. Learning can also happen externally, which takes a bit of initiative. Leaders are expected to seek out other knowledgeable leaders and resources to gleam knowledge back upon themselves.

Be your team's rock.

This is harder than you might think, as it requires you to fully believe and be invested in the positive outlook of your team’s future. A leader must be able to visualize the progression of their team and then convince their subordinates of it. Additionally this means to always remain calm in dire situations. The feelings and actions of the leader always have an impact on the team (positive or negative). In addition to convincing the team of a positive future, and keeping the team calm when faced with issues, a leader must also have the ability to acknowledge the efforts of those around them and bring those people up for their contributions.

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Michael Chiovitti, Chief Talent Strategist

Eden Resources, LLC


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