The U.S. is undoubtedly a powerhouse within the service industry. One of the hallmarks of the service industry is the extremely high level of technological integration. However, technological implements can only improve efficiency so long as the human users fully understand how to utilize them.
Great managers are inherently great investigators; whenever a breakdown occurs within a process they manage, it is up to the manager to investigate the problem and trouble shoot some solutions. A lack of understanding on how to use technological implements is very often the culprit when these breakdowns occur.
Is your training program up to date?
A lack of understanding is often a two-party problem. It is critical that all managers regularly review their employee training programs to ensure that they include the latest changes in the relevant tools and technology. While it can be easy to blame an employee and say they are inept, a manager must accept the possibility that they had failed to set that employee up for success.
Are you incentivizing/rewarding self-development?
While this is probably the most challenging aspect of a managers role, it is important to always try to motivate your employees to self-develop and learn new technologies. We recommend linking self-development to your employees' goal setting (which is something that should be happening quarterly).
Unfortunately, older job seekers seem to be the real victims when it comes to technologic issues. There is an ever present stigma that exists within the recruiting process, wherein an applicants age is an indicator of their level of technological understanding. This is of course an inappropriate assertion and its up to the employer to look inward and help bridge the connection.
Michael Chiovitti
Chief Talent Strategist
Eden Resources, LLC